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March 24, 2020

Banks initial assistance response to COVID-19

In light of a crazy weekend, the majority of the banks have advised effectively immediately, assistance will be put in place to help both home loan and business customers manage their respective loans over the coming 6 month period. Wealthmed is still waiting a full response from a couple of the smaller lenders. Most lenders will offer ‘deferred’ payments of up to 6 months for those who are in financial… Read More »Banks initial assistance response to COVID-19

Insurance & Income protection if you contract COVID-19

It’s a tricky time for everyone and we really appreciate the wonderful dedicated people who put themselves on the line to care for others.   Do you have questions about your insurance benefits and Covid-19? Generally insurance policies will cover you if you contract Covid-19 for; Death from the virus A traumatic illness as a result of the virus Total and Permanent Disability as a result of the virus Income replacement… Read More »Insurance & Income protection if you contract COVID-19

New Tax Incentives and Other Assistance

The government is temporarily expanding eligibly to income support payments and establishing a time-limited Corona-virus supplement to be paid at a rate of $550/fortnight. Paid to both existing and new recipients of the JobSeeker Payment, Youth Allowance jobseeker, Parenting Payment, Farm Household Allowance and Special Benefit. It will be paid for the next 6 months. The instant asset write off has increased from $30,000 to $150,000 for businesses with aggregated… Read More »New Tax Incentives and Other Assistance

Cash Support for Small Business (employers)

The measures in this package are designed to assist Australian businesses and economic growth in the short term, and encourage a stronger economic recovery following the Corona-virus outbreak. The government will establish the Corona-virus SME Guarantee Scheme, which will support small and medium enterprises (SME’s) to get access to working capital to help them get through the impacts of the virus. The government will guarantee 50% of new loans issued.… Read More »Cash Support for Small Business (employers)